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Beer Experience

Birrificio Mazapégul

Events may be subject to change, always contact the organisers before going to the venue.

Discover the world of Mazapégul craft beer!

Visit the Mazapégul brewery and treat yourself to lunch with a view of the production plant. You will be able to enjoy the specially designed food/beer pairing route.
The day's program includes a visit to the brewery with explanations of the brewing process and a lunch that will lead you to discover the combinations between craft beers and traditional dishes.

Cost per person: starting from 30 euros
Minimum number of participants: 2
When: for lunch, by reservation
Where: Via Parri 2, Civitella di Romagna (FC), 47012

For info and reservations:
Call 376 0130942
Write to
Via Ferruccio Parri 2, 47012, Civitella di Romagna, (FC)

­ from 30.00 €

­All rates
Costo a persona a partire da 30 euro 30.00 €
+39 376 0130942